August 16, 2024 Newsletter

August 16, 2024 Newsletter
Posted on 08/16/2024

Hello Campbell Cougar Families,

It was so wonderful to see and meet many of you at our Meet & Greet last night. I loved that our school was full of families and children excited about school.

Each week throughout the year you will get an end of the week email/phone call from me that will share any important information with you. It will hopefully come through your classroom communication app that you will be joining next week sometime. (It is new for us.) Or it will come as an email and phone call from the school. You can then choose whether to listen to me or read it. 

Website: Our website if a great place to find information and any info from me. Check it out regularly.

SeeSaw: This will be our whole school communication tool that will be shared with you later next week. You will access it through an app and you will receive directions from your classroom teacher on how to join the right classroom. We are excited to have this tool and looking forward to how it can keep us all connected.

Drop off and Pick up: When you are dropping off your child for school, you will park and enter through the main entrance. If you arrive a few minutes before your class begins, you can walk down and wait by the door or arrive even earlier and sit with your child while they have breakfast in the cafeteria. Meals are free for all students.

Once your classroom door is open, you must sign your child in on their specific page. When you pick up at their outside classroom door, you will sign them out on the same page. These are documents that we are required by the state to have and keep record of, therefore it is necessary that students are signed in and out.

Parking: As you may have noticed, we don’t have a ton of parking but it can work with our staggered start and stop times and your patience. You can park in either lot and on the street. You may park along the west curb in the larger lot as long as the cars in spaces can get out. Please continue to be kind and patient with each other as we know it can be a little wait for a spot. This district is working on a plan to expand our parking.

Authorized Pick Up Person: Your teacher either shared with you or handed you a form that needs to be filled out before students can be left in our care. It is a form titled, “ Authorized Pick Up Person”. Please make sure to fill this out and turn it in to your teacher by Monday at drop off. Thank you!

Medications: If your child requires any medication to be at school, please turn that in to our Health Aide, Jessy with the appropriate forms. We can only accept it with the official forms and correct labels. If you have questions, please email [email protected] with questions.

I know that was a LOT but we want you to have all the information you need for a smooth start. We are excited for Monday! Thank you for all you do for your children and thank you for sharing them with us.

See you Monday!

Go Cougars!

Holly Sexton

Principal Campbell ELC

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