January 5th Newsletter

January 5, 2024 Newsletter
Posted on 01/05/2024

Welcome back Campbell Families!

This is my first time writing 2024! Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and some special time with friends and family.

Students will be returning on Monday, January 8th. We have missed them these last few days as we prepare for our second semester and a new science unit of study.

Registration for the 2024-25 school year is still open for this first round. If you have not done so, please register through Enroll Jeffco by January 12th. If you need any support, please call our office and Rena can assist.

As you prepare to send your child back to school, please remember to send in their nap supplies if they are full day and all students be sure to have coats, hats and mittens/gloves. It looks like a beautiful winter week but still cold when we play outside for 30 minutes at a time.

We have a school fundraising night coming up at Qdoba! I hope to see you all there on January 17th from 4-8 pm. Can’t wait! I love Qdoba!

Well, we finally found a wonderful all school field trip to attend. We will all be going to the Nature and Science Museum on February 2nd. Look for more information to come home from your classrooms.

Library info from Tawny:

Over the past few months, children have done an amazing job at checking out books and taking care of them in their classrooms. It is now time for them to start coming home! Woohoo! However, we need your help!  Please help remind your child that their library book should stay in their backpack unless they are reading it. It needs to come back to school each day and especially on the days of their classes' library day (see below). If your child forgets their book at home, they will still be able to look at books in the library on their check out day, however they won't be able to check out a new book. I also know accidents happen. If the book gets damaged, please just contact me ([email protected]) or share with your teacher that it got damaged. Thank you for helping us keep our library nice and stocked by helping your child take responsibility in getting it to and from school, so that all children can enjoy the books! If you have any questions, please reach out!


Mondays    - Kendyll and Caylee's Class

Tuesdays    - Naoko and Karen's Class

Thursdays  - Ashley and Meghann's Class

                    - Amberlynn and Alex's Class

                    - Carrie and Leah's Class

Fridays       - Teresa and Will's Class

        - Claire and Adrianne's Class

                   -  Kerry and Amy's Class

A gift:

We have to celebrate! One of our families hosted a holiday party before break and as a part of the party, guests donated inside recess equipment for all kids. If we ever get our cold, snowy weather, we have great things to play with in the gym! Thank you so very much for loving Campbell kids so much.

We are looking forward to seeing all of you on Monday. 

Thank you for all you do for your children and for Campbell.

Go Cougars!


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