Happy Spring Break and Snow Days! I hope you have all stayed warm and safe these last couple of snowy days. Wow! That was a lot of snow! But today the sun is out and there are signs of spring. I hope you get out and play in the snow a bit!
Here are a few items for you before break.
UPK(Colorado Universal Preschool) is now open for registration. UPK will pay for up to 15 hours of preschool for children who are 4 by Oct 1, 2024. Pre-registration will allow us to directly apply your child’s funding to the spot that you secured through EnrollJeffco.
Your child is eligible for pre-registration because they have a sibling in Jeffco Public Schools, you work for Jeffco Public Schools, or your child is already accepted to Jeffco Public Schools.
Please follow these steps to register:
1. Go to https://upk.colorado.gov/
2. Click on “24/25 School Year, Register Now”
3. Create an account or log in if you created an account last year
4. Complete the required information
5. Select the school at which your child is already accepted in EnrollJeffco as your first choice.
6. If your student has an IEP ( Individual Education Plan), complete the application without selecting a school. Your student will be placed based on your accepted offer in Enroll Jeffco
Remember, all students must register in UPK annually to receive the funding. The pre-registration window closes on March 28, 2024.
If you have any questions, please call us at 303 982-1737 or email us at [email protected]
Please save the date for our Silent Auction and Family Prom! The auction will be held on April 12th at 4:30pm at Campbell. We are raising money to potentially purchase a communication app for next school year. We've received over 80 items from local businesses and community members such as Bison Tours in Wyoming and several nights at local playhouses! If you have something you'd like to donate to the auction please contact our Auction Coordinator, Barbara, at [email protected].
-The March PTA Meeting will be moved to Tuesday, March 26th at 5:30 pm to allow for people to return from Spring Break.
We are so excited for the silent auction. I hope you all can join for a fun night! I’m already thinking about what to wear for the Family Prom theme!
**Thank you for your help in the hallways in the mornings. We appreciate you! Even though we only had three days of school this past week, our halls felt more calm as we began our day. You are amazing!
Spirit Wear: If you want to order some more school spirit wear, check out the sale!
Have a wonderful Spring Break and we will see students back at school on Tuesday, March 26th!
Go Cougars!